In light of concerns about and implications of the current international spread of COVID 19, the coronavirus, in particular the rise of cases in Switzerland[1] and suspensions of flights from Brazil to Europe, the leadership of the FCL Law and Globethics.net have decided to postpone the upcoming Advanced Training on International Techniques of Transparency, Compliance and Anticorruption, currently slated for 6-10 April.
The virus is already having a wide-reaching effect on international travel, necessitating extensive precautions in international meetings and contingency plans for international organizations of all kinds.
Taking into account all relevant information and assessing the total risks for the participants, the integrity of a meeting under these circumstances, and for the health of all involved in such a gathering, directly or indirectly, the decision is a precautionary and prudential one.
The new date for the Program will be 24-28 August, 2020.
Arriving at this decision of postponement of the Program, we will continue to work closely with the attendants, providing all support necessary and keeping informed of all related developments.
Geneva, March 03rd, 2020.
Uziel Santana
Christoph Stueckelberger
[1] Aumentam casos de contaminação pelo coronavírus na Suíça. https://www.swissinfo.ch/por/politica/covid-19_aumentam-casos-de-contamina%C3%A7%C3%A3o-pelo-coronav%C3%ADrus-na-su%C3%AD%C3%A7a/45590908?utm_campaign=own-posts&utm_source=facebook&utm_content=o&utm_medium=socialflow&fbclid=IwAR2-Pa-zwjSzCDrgWcdto6Uwvp08W1n8cE2newnlaZCIVFuJWdv_nwaUSJU